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Broken Tablets : Levinas, Derrida, and the Literary Afterlife of Religion ebook EPUB


Over a span of thirty years, twentieth-century French philosophers Emmanuel Levinas and Jacques Derrida held a conversation across texts. Sharing a Jewish heritage and a background in phenomenology, both came to situate their work at the margins of philosophy, articulating this placement through religion and literature. Chronicling the interactions between these thinkers, Sarah Hammerschlag argues that the stakes in their respective positions were more than philosophical. They were also political. Levinas's investments were born out in his writings on Judaism and ultimately in an evolving conviction that the young state of Israel held the best possibility for achieving such an ideal. For Derrida, the Jewish question was literary. The stakes of Jewish survival could only be approached through reflections on modern literature's religious legacy, a line of thinking that provided him the means to reconceive democracy. Hammerschlag's reexamination of Derrida and Levinas's textual exchange not only produces a new account of this friendship but also has significant ramifications for debates within Continental philosophy, the study of religion, and political theology.

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These humanitarian aid workers are professionals who devote a period of their lives to serve the needs of others; they aren't thrill seekers and they don't take sides or promote political or religious perspectives.This massive denial of brutal reality profoundly warps society's ideas about goodness and justice.She has taken recipes from near and far, and served them to us with doses of stylishness, honest ingredients, playful spices, and haunting flavors."-- SUVIR SARAN, Top Chef Master and author of "American Masala" and "Indian Home Cooking" ""A Mouthful of Stars" will immediately draw you into Kim's culinary journey through the stories she shares of cooks and how they connect with their food.But it is those they love who will suffer most .Robert Vargas argues that the state, through the way it governs, can contribute to distrust and division among community members, thereby undermining social cohesion.You lift your head from this book and it s as if a third eye has been opened.Conducting interviews with former Jewish terrorists, political and spiritual leaders, and law-enforcement officials, and culling information from rare documents and surveys of terrorist networks, Pedahzur and Perliger construct an extensive portrait of terrorist aggression and describe the conditions that give rise to modern zealotry.A provocative book about rethinking hatred and violence in America Over the centuries American society has been plagued by brutality fueled by disregard for the humanity of others: systemic violence against Native peoples, black people, and immigrants.Maya Schenwar is Truthout 's editor-in-chief and the author of Locked Down, Locked Out: Why Prison Doesn't Work and How We Can Do Better .Ami Pedahzur and Arie Perliger, world experts on the study of terror and security, propose a theory of violence that contextualizes not only recent acts of terror but also instances of terrorism that stretch back centuries.This book is also to be used as a tool in the process of preventing political economic and social conflicts.The Genesis of Violence in Zimbabwe will be followed by a publication of a book on THE PROCESS OF NATIONAL RECONCILIATION IN GHANA: LESSONS FOR ZIMBABWE which is being written by a Ghanaian eminent person General Emmanuel ErskThe Arawet are one of the few Amazonian peoples who have maintained their cultural integrity in the face of the destructive forces of European imperialism.Twenty-six years later, Kevin is a Pulitzer Prizewinning journalist for the Boston Globe.Furthermore, the book intends to be a launching pad for future debate on whether the recent 'critical' turn in terrorism studies can offer a pathway for peace studies to engage with the so far largely ignored question of power.From the Enemy's Point of View argues that current concepts of society as a discrete, bounded entity which maintains a difference between "interior" and "exterior" are wholly inappropriate in this and in many other Amazonian societies.The Arawet are one of the few Amazonian peoples who have maintained their cultural integrity in the face of the destructive forces of European imperialism.Jimmy takes Gloria everywhere.Her culinary journey is complete with stories of adventure, poetry, as well as luscious photography of food and place.