Download ebook SmartThoughts: Philosophy Sucks ... Kids Right In! : Exploring Big Ideas with Young People Using Stories from Around the World FB2, DOC, PDF


40 short teaching stories that invite children to get in touch with their feelings about happiness, love, friendship, peace, freedom, respect and equality and discuss them with their peers.Philosophizing - considering life questions - stimulates thinking: processing information, reasoning, thinking creatively, evaluating alternatives. Many children are natural philosophers. They observe the world around them from a young age, have a keen sense of right and wrong, and ask endless questions. Stories - fables, fairy tales, parables - are a classic device for teaching lessons about life, morality, chance, consequences, and other cultures to audiences both young and old. 'Philosophy Sucks_ Kids Right In!' is a guide that parents and educators can use to structure and guide this process. Contributors Nel de Theije and Leo Kaniok have collected 40 short stories that encourage children to ponder the themes of happiness, love, friendship, peace, freedom, respect and equality - and more. An introductory chart clearly lays out the age groupings the stories are appropriate for, a primary theme, possible secondary themes, and the teaching purpose of the story. Many stories come with discussionpapers that suggest areas of exploration with children of different age groups (4-6, 6-8, 8-10 and 10-12) and grades. The open-ended questions stimulate children to experience the stories more intensely, encourage self-reflection, and seek their own answers to the big questions of life., Philosophizing - considering life questions - stimulates thinking: processing information, reasoning, thinking creatively, evaluating alternatives. Many children are natural philosophers. They observe the world around them from a young age, have a keen sense of right and wrong, and ask endless questions.Stories - fables, fairy tales, parables - are a classic device for teaching lessons about life, morality, chance, consequences, and other cultures to audiences both young and old. 'Philosophy Sucks... Kids Right In!' is a guide that parents and educators can use to structure and guide this process. Contributors Nel de Theije and Leo Kaniok have collected 40 short stories that encourage children to ponder the themes of happiness, love, friendship, peace, freedom, respect and equality- and more.Nel de Theije specializes in teaching values through stories and gives story-telling workshops and Leo Kaniok is a publisher and collector of old stories from cultures all over the world. Together they have created an entertaining, charming, and thoughtful anthology. Some of the stories in this book are folk tales from around the world, others are contemporary stories written or adapted by the authors. They are about starfish, kings, snowflakes, french fries, and birds.An introductory chart clearly lays out the age groupings the stories are appropriate for, a primary theme, possible secondary themes, and the teaching purpose of the story. Beautiful color photographs reflect the themes of the stories. Many stories come with discussion papers that suggest areas of exploration with children of different age groups (4-6, 6-8, 8-10 and 10-12) and grades.The open-ended questions stimulate children to experience the stories more intensely, encourage self-reflection, and seek their own answers to the big questions of life., Philosophizing -- considering life questions -- stimulates thinking: processing information, reasoning, thinking creatively, evaluating alternatives. Many children are natural philosophers. They observe the world around them from a young age, have a keen sense of right and wrong, and ask endless questions. Stories -- fables, fairy tales, parables -- are a classic device for teaching lessons about life, morality, chance, consequences, and other cultures to audiences both young and old. Philosophy Sucks...Kids Right In! is a guide that parents and educators can use to structure and guide this process. Contributors Nel de Theije-Avontuur and Leo Kaniok have collected 40 short stories that encourage children to ponder the themes of happiness, love, friendship, peace, freedom, respect, and equality -- and more. An introductory chart clearly lays out the age groupings the stories are appropriate for, a primary theme, possible secondary themes, and the teaching purpose of the story. Many stories come with discussion papers that suggest areas of exploration with children of different age groups (4-6, 6-8, 8-10, and 10-12) and grades. The open-ended questions encourage self-reflection and stimulate children to experience the stories more intensely and seek their own answers to the big questions of life.

Ebook Leo Kaniok - SmartThoughts: Philosophy Sucks ... Kids Right In! : Exploring Big Ideas with Young People Using Stories from Around the World PDF, DJV, FB2

When a German captain requisitions Vianne's home, she and her daughter must live with the enemy or lose everything.A century on from the start of World War I, these letters offer an intimate glimpse into the hearts of men and women separated by conflict, and show how love can transcend even the bleakest and most devastating of realities.", A powerful collection of love letters shared between soldiers and their sweethearts during World War I Love Letters of the Great War brings together some of the most romantic correspondence ever written: passionate love letters sent from British, American, French, German, Australian and Canadian troops in the height of battle, and the heart-breaking replies of their girlfriends, wives and sweethearts.Administered jointly by the four major Allies, the Nuremberg trial of Hermann Goering and Joachim von Ribbentrop, among other Nazi leaders, has drawn much attention over the years.Rising strong after a fall is how we cultivate wholeheartedness.Now the Just War tradition risks becoming marginalized.As Lara travels through war-torn Serbia and Bosnia, following clues that may yet lead to the flesh-and-blood Marija, she must also wrestle with truths about her own identity.Teaching & Learning Experience Improve Communication Skills While Engaging Students: Conexiones connects to the real world students live in and are exposed to in the media, as well as to the disciplines of study across campus.They give us values, inspirations, warnings, and incentives.Rich in cultural input throughout chapters, Conexiones also integrates music, art, and literature to expand upon chapter topics in the Comunicación y cultura sections.Three weeks later, near the Canadian border, one of his favorite generals, Benedict Arnold, miraculously succeeds in postponing the British naval advance down Lake Champlain that might have ended the war.