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Fergus O'Connell - Stuff I Wish I'd Known When I Started Working read online EPUB, PDF, MOBI


Don't learn the hard way'get work advice from some of the world's most successful people, all in one place! Work is a tricky business'the politics, the workload, the career ladder. It can take years and years of battling away and learning through mistakes to fully get to grips with the dos and don'ts. What if you could fast track that process? Cut out all those years of learning the hard way and working it out for yourself? Enter Stuff I Wish I'd Known When I Started Working, the unique guide to making work work! Fergus O'Connell has had a wonderfully varied career spanning three decades, and in this book, he will teach you the things it takes others years to figure out. You'll also find nuggets of wisdom and invaluable career advice from some of the world's most successful people'people like Oprah Winfrey, J.K. Rowling, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos. Whether you're new to the workforce, changing roles, or just stuck in a professional rut, this book shows you what you need to know to get ahead. By learning from the common mistakes of others, you can avoid making those mistakes yourself'and possibly skip a few rungs on the corporate ladder. Quickly learn what others have taken years to work out Get nuggets of work wisdom from some of the world's most successful people Learn how to get more done in less time, and stimulate your creativity Aim high, and get where you're going faster You'll spend the majority of your waking hours at work for the majority of your life. Make it time well spent. Learn how to be more effective, more accountable, more visible, and less afraid. If you want a seat on the bullet train to success, Stuff I Wish I'd Known When I Started Working provides the tips and tools you need. Buckle up., Don't learn the hard way--get work advice from some of the world's most successful people, all in one place Work is a tricky business--the politics, the workload, the career ladder. It can take years and years of battling away and learning through mistakes to fully get to grips with the dos and don'ts. What if you could fast track that process? Cut out all those years of learning the hard way and working it out for yourself? Enter "Stuff I Wish I'd Known When I Started Working, " the unique guide to making work work Fergus O'Connell has had a wonderfully varied career spanning three decades, and in this book, he will teach you the things it takes others years to figure out. You'll also find nuggets of wisdom and invaluable career advice from some of the world's most successful people--people like Oprah Winfrey, J.K. Rowling, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos. Whether you're new to the workforce, changing roles, or just stuck in a professional rut, this book shows you what you need to know to get ahead. By learning from the common mistakes of others, you can avoid making those mistakes yourself--and possibly skip a few rungs on the corporate ladder. Quickly learn what others have taken years to work out Get nuggets of work wisdom from some of the world's most successful people Learn how to get more done in less time, and stimulate your creativity Aim high, and get where you're going faster You'll spend the majority of your waking hours at work for the majority of your life. Make it time well spent. Learn how to be more effective, more accountable, more visible, and less afraid. If you want a seat on the bullet train to success, "Stuff I Wish I'd Known When I Started Working" provides the tips and tools you need. Buckle up., Don't learn the hard way-get work advice from some of the world's most successful people, all in one place! Work is a tricky business-the politics, the workload, the career ladder. It can take years and years of battling away and learning through mistakes to fully get to grips with the dos and don'ts. What if you could fast track that process? Cut out all those years of learning the hard way and working it out for yourself? Enter Stuff I Wish I'd Known When I Started Working, the unique guide to making work work! Fergus O'Connell has had a wonderfully varied career spanning three decades, and in this book, he will teach you the things it takes others years to figure out. You'll also find nuggets of wisdom and invaluable career advice from some of the world's most successful people-people like Oprah Winfrey, J.K. Rowling, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos. Whether you're new to the workforce, changing roles, or just stuck in a professional rut, this book shows you what you need to know to get ahead. By learning from the common mistakes of others, you can avoid making those mistakes yourself-and possibly skip a few rungs on the corporate ladder. Quickly learn what others have taken years to work out Get nuggets of work wisdom from some of the world's most successful people Learn how to get more done in less time, and stimulate your creativity Aim high, and get where you're going faster You'll spend the majority of your waking hours at work for the majority of your life. Make it time well spent. Learn how to be more effective, more accountable, more visible, and less afraid. If you want a seat on the bullet train to success, Stuff I Wish I'd Known When I Started Working provides the tips and tools you need. Buckle up., Drawing on a huge volume of practical advice, inspiration and experience, and including observations from a bestselling author and a host of famous names from the world of business, entertainment and sport, this light, accessible book will give you access to insights which will change the way you work forever. Including material on aiming high, making an impact, getting stuff done and being creative, it gives you practical tips and inspiring ideas which will to enable you to get more from less, get where you're going faster, and separate the work that works from the work that hurts. Take a bullet train to business success by figuring out some important things about work that took others decades to learn.

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